Maundy Thursday


This day was likely the most meaningful time that Jesus had spent with his disciples. It was the Thursday before Jesus was crucified, and he had gathered all of the disciples together in the Upper Room. They were going to celebrate the Passover, but Jesus had much more in mind. This “last supper” would not simply be a reminder of God‘s work in the Old Testament. In fact, Jesus established it as a way to remember the sacrifice he was about to make. To the surprise of everyone there, Jesus stopped in the middle of the meal and went around the room, washing the feet of each of his disciples. This was the ultimate example of serving others! Jesus closed out their time together by issuing a new command to the one another as I have loved you. What a powerful statement! We should never forget the example that Jesus is for us!


Read the story together from Matthew 26:17-29 and John 13:2-17


1. Reflect on the life and ministry of Jesus. Thank him for the impact he has had on people’s lives.

2. Ask God to help you follow the example that Jesus set for us.

3. Ask God to give you the humility that Jesus demonstrated.

Worship Music

Preteen and Youth

Family Activity: Recreate the Last Supper

As a family, come together and find the following items and recreate your Passover meal together.

A tablecloth or a bed sheet to go over the table
You could even use couch cushions as the table. Get creative if you don’t have enough chairs for your table.
Grabbed several stuffed animals -- you need stuffed animals to represent the 12 disciples and Jesus
Plates and cups
Food -- bread and grape juice. If you don’t have any bread or grape juice lying around your house, feel free to use pretend food or paper to make your own bread and grape juice!

Once you gather all the supplies. As a family, come together and set up the Passover dinner using the items above. Then, once the table is all set, find a seat at the table and read the Passover meal story together. (Matthew 26:17-29, Luke 26:17-30 and John 3:2-17 or pick one of these)
If you would like to have real bread and grape juice, this would be a great opportunity to take the communion meal together as a family!

Activity Packet and Craft Time

Think About It

1. What did Jesus and the disciples do together?

2. What did Jesus do to the disciples?

3. What would it have been like to be there?

4. **At the Lord’s Supper, what did the bread and cup represent?

5. **Why do Christians still do this today?

6. **Why did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples?

7. **What are some ways that you can serve others?

**Questions for older children, preteens or youth