Today we reach a turning point in Holy week. We witness a stark contrast in how people reacted to Jesus during the days He was alive. Those same reactions are still very much active today. As Jesus’ popularity grew, some people were increasingly uncomfortable because there was a clear choice that had to be made. People had to choose to believe or not believe who Jesus was claiming to be. Today, we will look at those two views. We’ll read about a woman who believed and anointed Jesus with a very expensive ointment. Then, we will see Jesus being betrayed by his very own disciple. There is a clear choice that has to be made...to believe and follow Jesus or to “betray” him by not believing. Which will you do?
Read the story together from Matthew 26:1-16
1. Ask the Lord to strengthen your faith.
2. Thank Jesus for his goodness and love.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you avoid sin and temptations.
Worship Music
Preteen and Youth
Family Activity: 30 Silver Coins
Supplies: 30 coins (quarters, nickels, dimes) or make your coins, scissors to cut out the coins
If you have 30 Silver Coins (quarters, nickels, dimes) or if you can print out 30 silver coins and cut them out. Have one person hide the 30 coins in a room or two. As a family, you must find all the hidden coins.
After all the coins are found, ask how many each person got. The one who found the most wins.
Activity Packet and Craft Time
Think About It
1. In today’s story, what did the woman do to Jesus?
2. Why were her actions so important?
3. Who tried to get Jesus in trouble?
4. **Are you more like the woman or Judas in today’s story? In what way?
5. **Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Have you forgiven that person?
6. **What can you give up (like the woman) for Jesus?
**Questions for older children, preteens or youth