Palm Sunday


This is it! Jesus was headed into Jerusalem to finish the ministry he had started just a few years earlier. Although it was the final week of His life, we witness Jesus being welcomed like a king. He fulfilled the scriptures and prophecies by riding a donkey into Jerusalem, and the people were worshiping him. They were waving palm branches and laying down their clothes so that his feet didn't touch the dirt. They screamed “Hosanna, Hosanna,” which means “Save us, please!” Little did they know that it was the very thing Jesus was headed to do! May we celebrate Jesus this week and take time to intentionally praise God for His love for us.


Read the story together from Matthew 21:1-11


1. Ask God to speak to you this week through the Holy Week Experience.

2. Pray for people in our country and world to know Jesus.

3. Pray for your family.

Worship Music

Preteen and Youth

Family Activity: Family Walk in Creation

Today, we discussed the importance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. People waved palm branches to celebrate Jesus. Palm branches are trees that God created. As a family, we want to encourage you to look at all that God has created around you outside. As you walk together as a family, talk about Palm Sunday. Ask the questions on the previous page. Maybe encourage your kids to pick up things in nature and do a nature scavenger hunt to remember all God has created.

Activity Packet and Craft Time

Think About It

1. Where was Jesus going on Palm Sunday?

2. What animal did Jesus ride on?

3. What did people do as Jesus rode through the city?

4. **Why did Jesus ride on a donkey into Jerusalem?

5. **What is important about the people’s actions on Palm Sunday?

6. **How can you worship Jesus today?

**Questions for older children, preteens or youth