Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation

In 2012, SCC members Wade and Katie McHargue, and their family, brought the love of Christ to the native American Indians in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Wade has the heart of an evangelist with the gift of faith and has served both locally and globally to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Great Sioux Nation has endured over a century of battles, massacres and broken treaties, all while trying to keep ownership of their land. On December 29, 1890, the 7th Cavalry massacred 300 of Chief Big Foot's band of Minneconjou Teton Sioux at Wounded Knee, located on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Years of fighting for their land had finally left the Great Sioux Nation demoralized and defeated.

The American Indian Humanitarian Foundation states, “Despite nearly insurmountable conditions, few resources, and against unbelievable odds, Indigenous people are struggling hard to overcome decades of neglect, discrimination and forced destruction of their traditional cultures to promote a life of self-respect and self-sufficiency”.

The reservation is plagued with hopelessness. Alcoholism, poverty, unemployment and suicide are the norm. Life expectancy is the lowest in the US and the 2nd lowest in the western hemisphere. Wade and Katie and their children brought the hope of Jesus Christ to the Lakota in word and in action. Together, with local believers and church groups from around the US, they have re-established two churches, raising up Christ-followers among the Lakota people.

The church plants in Pine Ridge and the neighboring town of Kyle are working with all the believers and churches in the area to demonstrate a unity that has not been seen before on the reservation. Many lives are being transformed through the power of God, and the community is witnessing physical, emotional, and spiritual healings in the name of Jesus Christ.

In 2017, Wade and Katie returned to Charlotte to seek God’s next place of service. As he has done with the church in Guinea Bissau, he will continue to return to the Reservation churches from time to time to encourage the family of Christ there.