Steele Creek Church of Nigeria
Umulewe is a community of 10 villages in southeast Nigeria comprising 15,000—20,000 people. Steele Creek Church (SCC) is working with a local Nigerian church association to establish a church in Umulewe, Nigeria for the glory of God. As with SCC, Steele Creek Church of Nigeria seeks to show the love of Christ to a hurting people, to reflect the same passionate worship and strong message of the Word, and to be a house of prayer for all people.
Nigeria is a battleground for the work of the kingdom. Northern Nigeria is dominated by Islam (Boko Haram) while the south is mainly Catholic, Protestant, and Spiritualism. Completely indigenous, the church at Umulewe is strategic to the advancement of the Kingdom of God among people in that region.
Many years ago, a former Elder of SCC, Dan Harris, befriended Nigerian, Ben Duru, and, over a course of time, led him to a genuine relationship with the Lord. As they developed their friendship and Dan discipled Ben, they traveled together to Ben’s homeland of Umulewe, Nigeria and ministered to the people. The people fell in love with Dan and welcomed him into the village where he was able to share with them the love of Jesus Christ.