Palm Sunday Service
April 13, 2025
Holy Week honors the last week of Jesus’ earthly life; a week that changed the world forever. From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, there were many events that are vital to our faith including the Last Supper, Jesus’ crucifixion, burial and resurrection. To honor and celebrate this special week, we will be transforming our Arrowood Campus lobby into an interactive prayer experience for you and your family to take time and intentionally lean into Holy Week together. This will have different stations with information about what happened on each of the days of Holy Week and prayer prompts to reflect on. Join us as we celebrate Holy Week together as a church family!
Arrowood Campus - Main Lobby
April 14 - April 18
8:00am to 8:00pm
We have a lot of events and services for Holy Week! Find out more information by clicking an event below!
SCFamily is excited to bring this simple yet impactful journey to our families. The Holy Week Experience is a week-long interactive journey through the story of Jesus from Palm Sunday through the Resurrection. Kids will receive bags during Palm Sunday services filled with the SCFamily Ministry Holy Week Experience goodies for them to track online at home.