On the day after Jesus cleansed the temple, he journeyed back into the city of Jerusalem…this time with a different mission. Jesus wanted to teach those in his circle about the resurrection, the end of time, and the importance of being ready for his eventual return. Interestingly enough, it’s right in the middle of these deep theological conversations that Jesus submits what might be the most profound point of all of his teaching. He had been asked what was the most important command for people to follow. Rather than giving a PhD-like explanation, his answer was simple and concise…love God and love others. Don’t forget the context of this great teaching. It was Holy Week, and in just a few short days, Jesus would be crucified on a cross as an act of loving obedience for the redemption of mankind. In other words, he was on a mission to live out the “greatest command” by giving his life for us.
Read the story together from Matthew 22:34-40
1. Thank God for the teaching He gives us through the life and ministry of Jesus
2. Express your love to God.
3. Ask the Lord to show you ways to love other people like Jesus did.
Worship Music
Preteen and Youth
Family Activity: Love Others Jar
Supplies: sticky notes or small pieces of paper, markers, empty jar
As a family, gather together and grab some sticky notes or small pieces of paper and some markers. Together, think of different ways you can love others in your family. Once you're done writing them, fold them up and place them in a jar where everyone can see them every day. Each day, select a way you can love others that day with the card you picked.
Find daily ways to love God by spending time with him as a family, worshiping, praying, and reading scripture together.
Activity Packet and Craft Time
Think About It
1. What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment?
2. What is the second greatest commandment?
3. Why are these commands important?
4. **How are you doing with loving God right now? Loving others?
5. **How can you better show your love for God? For other people?
6. **Loving others may require forgiveness. Is there anyone that you need to forgive?
**Questions for older children, preteens or youth